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The Next Generation of Holograms

We are a research driven company, building products on our world leading core holographic technology.
Core technology
Our core technology redefines today's concept of a hologram
We took volume holography to a completely new level, with previously unimaginable depth and height perception, the widest viewing angle, and a truly full parallax effect with the highest resolution ever achieved.
We are focusing only on digital holography, which allows the creation of a holograms using digital data sources. The more commonly used analog method, requires the imaged object to be physically present, which creates huge limitations for content. With our digital method practically any 3D file can be made into hologram. In the past years our R&D was focused on overcoming limitations of digital holography and as a result, we have developed the first scalable digital holographic technology.

True 3D

Full parallax: 360 viewing angle

Up to 50 cm

Of depth and height


Multiple 3D models in one

High Resolution

Full Colour
Our Story
How we got here
An MIT based company named Zebra made a revolutionary breakthrough in digital holography, which is unparalleled even today. This team with the support of DARPA jointly developed and deployed this technology for the US. Military. In 2016, HoloTech acquired Zebra with the goal of further developing its core technology, while building a platform of products and solutions for a range of commercial industries.
Our Services
What we do
The research and development of holographic technologies is a highly interdisciplinary task. HoloTech is a vertically integrated company meaning that almost all our developments are in house.
Chemical Engineering
Computer science
Holography development applies advanced laser technology and the highest level of knowledge in optical physics. HoloTech has its own optical laboratory with modern equipment but also leverages other institutions and operates joint labs with several European universities
Chemical Engineering...
Material development goes hand in hand with our research in holography. Our chemists work with some of the largest chemical engineering companies in the world continually improving our materials to deliver higher quality and more affordable products.
Computer science...
The brains that drive our core technology, machinery and final products are developed by our software development team. Their goal is to ensure the highest efficiency and quality of our holograms and across all our platforms.
Our engineering department is responsible for transforming our technology from the lab into final products, solutions and corresponding production processes. The effective collaboration of our electrical and mechanical engineers from prototyping to final assembly is a crucial part of our process.
Our Services
We separate our development approach into 3 main areas
Core technology development
Pushing the boundaries of physics to create the best holograms in the lab.
Platform development
Engineer product platforms based on the core technology.
Product Development
dentify and develop final products for specific markets based on a platform.
We are a research driven company, building products on our world leading core holographic technology.
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